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strange guy • 1 year ago

The cases in 2010 I’m starting to like

KuudereKun • 1 year ago

Another Hitler Stache character? Is that just an acceptable look in Japan?

strange guy • 1 year ago

Pretty much appparently

Daichi Lynne • 2 years ago

Ran's body and heart is a bit realizing that Conan is Shinichi, The one that Ran is yearning for...

LesK • 1 year ago

it's happened before, and she's forgotten it every time, and the story keeps going and going and going.

Daichi Lynne • 2 years ago


Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

I imagine those prints are smaller than a proper 17-y-o's should be, I also don't expect anyone to look into that much detail, even the Crows (as I call those guys in black), but technically, they could.

LesK • 1 year ago

also, a link in the chain of a pair of handcuffs is INCREDIBLY tiny. so the big problems are myriad! : Conan's tiny fingertips, plus the tiny chain link, plus the fact that once you test a print it is generally destroyed by the sampling/lifting process. so that chain link is most definitely going to be useless unless Conan/Shin touches it again.

the other issues are, he's got his fingerprints registered with the Police for crime scene elimination purposes in both his names, as Conan and Shinichi. also, those databases are incredibly well secured, and you have to have a dedicated in-police-station/official forensics lab terminal AND be a certified police officer/forensic lab technician with special training and permissions to access them easily.

additionally the databases are historically damn hard to fiddle with when it comes to the search parameters. unless you know what you're doing when you enter in the sample prints it could take the computers hours to find even a slightly viable match.

say you 'cast your net too wide'... perhaps a whole world search. INTERPOL, NCIC in the US... other police agencies around the world, do have ways they can share information like fingerprints. but those requests take days and weeks. so that search of the whole world's databases on fingerprints could take MONTHS if not a year. but it would take just minutes if you set the search limits too narrow, and you miss the person you're looking for.

the worst-case scenario is the Black Org knows Shin is Conan but they want proof. so like Irish did in Movie 13, they sample something Conan has touched (his dolphin sculpture in elementary school), and something Shinichi touched (the black knight's helmet from Shin's high school). then they just set the computer to cross-check those 2 'people' against each-other, and the registered elimination prints under their names, and bingo bango Conan was busted by Irish as Shinichi.

LesK • 1 year ago

the problem is he's got his fingerprints registered with the Police for crime scene elimination purposes in both his names, as Conan and Shinichi. also, those databases are incredibly well secured, and you have to have a dedicated in-police-station/official forensics lab terminal AND be a certified police officer/forensic lab technician with special training and permissions to access them easily.

additionally the databases are historically damn hard to fiddle with when it comes to the search parameters. unless you know what you're doing when you enter in the sample prints it could take the computers hours to find even a slightly viable match.

say you 'cast your net too wide'... perhaps a whole world search. INTERPOL, NCIC in the US... probably other police agencies around the world, do have ways they can share information like fingerprints. but those requests take days and weeks. so that search of the whole world's databases on fingerprints could take MONTHS if not a year. but it would take just minutes if you set the search limits too narrow, and you miss the person you're looking for.

the worst-case scenario is the Black Org knows Shin is Conan but they want proof. so like Irish did in Movie 13, they sample something Conan has touched (his dolphin sculpture in school), and something Shinichi touched (the black knight's helmet from Shin's high school). then they just set the computer to check those 2 'people' against each-other, and the registered elimination prints under their names, and bingo bango Conan was busted by Irish as Shinichi.

also, a link in the chain of a pair of handcuffs is INCREDIBLY tiny. so the big problems are: Conan's tiny fingertips, plus the tiny chain link, plus the fact that once you test a print it is generally destroyed by the sampling/lifting process. so that chain is most definitely going to be useless unless Conan/Shin touches it again.